Submissions of Proposals, Presentations and Publications

Submit your proposal for review to:


The abstracts must be written in Spanish or English and they must contain between 200 and 400 words. The abstracts must include the following information: context and objective, methodology, summary of results, and conclusion, along with a list of references cited in the document (current APA style). The deadline for submitting your proposals is March 1, 2025. We will notify you of our decision before April 1.


The presentations can be delivered in Spanish or English. Each presentation can be up to 15 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute Q&A round. The structure and format of the presentations should be academic, including a suitable introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results, and conclusion. Presentations should be accompanied by appropriate visual aids. If your presentation includes video or audio demonstrations, please notify us in advance.

Each speaker can participate in a maximum of two presentations with their single registration fee. All the speakers in the same presentation must pay the registration fee to receive their certificate.


Speakers at CILIDI may opt to participate in our academic publications resulting from the conference, subject to anonymous peer review and acceptance. Up to three monographic volumes will be published in indexed publishers (SPI) or prestigious indexed journals. Authors may add other researchers to their work at no additional cost. The payment of each fee entitles participation in a work that is accepted after review.

Registration and Payment of Fees:

Registration and fee payment can be made after February 1 through our application, once your proposal has been accepted. The Early Bird discount will be applied until May 1. After that date, and until June 1, participants will pay full fee with no discount.