Jose Belda-Medina & José Ramón Calvo-Ferrer

Enhancing Language Learning with Augmented Reality: Innovative Approaches and Practices


Augmented Reality (AR) technology presents considerable potential in language learning by creating immersive, interactive environments that enhance student engagement and motivation. This presentation explores the effective implementation of AR-based projects in language classrooms across various educational levels, utilizing different Software Development Kits (SDKs). It examines the integration of various AR technologies, including marker-based, markerless, and location-based AR, and their respective applications in language education. The session will discuss how AR projects can be seamlessly incorporated into curricula, providing students with engaging and immersive learning experiences. Additionally, the presentation will address both the benefits and challenges of using AR in language education, such as increased student motivation, engagement, and enjoyment, as well as issues related to technical support and teacher preparation.


Jose Belda-Medina is a tenured professor at the University of Alicante. His main research interests are technology-enhanced language learning and new technologies (VR, AI). He has participated in several international conferences and research projects, and has published numerous articles in scientific journals (Target, Meta, Translation and Terminology, Babel, etc.). He is the director of the Digital Language Learning (DL2) group.

Jose Ramón Calvo-Ferrer is a tenured professor at the University of Alicante, teaching in the Department of English Philology since 2008. His research focuses on using new technologies, especially video games, for language learning and translator training. He has published extensively and is a visiting professor at the University of Essex. He gives lectures on language, translation, and video games.